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Inside Masseria Corte degli Asini, many species are bred that are peculiar of the Apulia territory, and considered rare and precious, also because in danger of extinction. Among these animals, the Martina Franca donkey prevails, from which the Masseria takes its name. With its massive tonnage, this animal adapts very well to marginal and stony lands. It was once used for the soma and the mule-track construction. Nowadays, it is bred mostly in the hilly area of southeastern Murgia, known as the Trulli area.

Another incredibly ancient equine typical of Apulia and living in the stables of the Masseria, is the Murgese Horse. Rustic and fierce, this animal is mostly known for its stability and quietness, developed as adjustment to the unfriendly territory, where it has undergone a centuries-long selection.

The Altamura Sheep is another endangered specie that finds shelter between the farms of Corte degli Asini. It is a sheep with a prevalent attitude to the milk production. The area of origin is Altamura, province of Bari. It is also called “Moscia” (“flabby”) because of its fleece, which has woolly filaments a bit ruffled and drooping.
